Thursday, February 25, 2010

generic host process win32 problem solution

Generic Host Process for Win32 Services or svchost.exe is a legal and essential component of Windows which is used to host services which run from dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). Multiple instances of Svchost.exe can run at the same time. So it is not a problem in most cases if you see five or six or even more copies of svchost.exe running in your services because they host different groups of DLLs. However, there are several known spyware and trojans that pretend to be legal svchost.exe. They usually have the same name or one of the following names: svchost.exe, svchosts.exe (which often causes svchosts.exe page faults), Generic.exe, svcchost.exe and several others. Please note that legal svchost.exe should reside in Windows\System32 folder and should not appear in startup list.

Solution# 1:
  1. Hop to 'Run' and open 'Regedit'
  2. Navigate to:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > Browser > Parameters
  3. Find the Key
    Name: IsDomainMaster
    and set
    Data: False
  4. Restart Your PC
Solution# 2:
  1. Go to 'Run' and open 'cmd'
  2. Type 'netsh' in command console then press enter
  3. Then type 'winsock' and press enter and then type reset
  4. Restart Your PC

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