Sunday, November 29, 2009



What is DNS ?


            Domain Name System (DNS) is a database system that translates a


computer's fully qualified domain name into an IP address



What is Fully Qualified Domain Name ?


Ø      A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is the complete domain name for a specific computer, or host, on the Internet


Ø      A fully qualified domain name consists of a host and domain name, including top-level domain


For example, is the fully qualified domain name for the sso directory of HCL corporate services.



What is a Zone ?


                        DNS data is divided into manageable sets of data called zone. It contains name and ip address information about one or more parts of a DNS domain.



Zone Types ?


Ø      Forward lookup zone

Ø      Reverse lookup zone



What is forward lookup Zone ?


A forward lookup zone searches for an ip address based on a provided host name. In general it resolves the host name to ip address of the computer.



What is reverse lookup Zone ?


A reverse lookup zone searches for the host name based on the ip address.In general it resolves the ip address to host name of the computer.

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